Aggregator Requirements for National World News Network
National World News Network
Aggregator Requirements
Date of last update: February 2023
The National World News Network (the “NWNN”) is provided by National World Publishing Limited (“National World”), a private company incorporated in England and Wales under number 11499982. National World Publishing Limited is a subsidiary of National World Plc a public company incorporated in England and Wales under number 12021298. Both have their registered office at No 1 Leeds, 4th Floor, 26 Whitehall Road, Leeds LS12 1BE. Both companies and their subsidiaries shall be referred to as the “National World Group” throughout these terms.
Your website must meet the following requirements to be considered for listing on the NWNN. Any site that fails to meet the criteria at any time after admission will be removed instantly at the sole discretion of National World:
- Stories should be original, well-written, in English and of good industry quality. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
- Each blog should contain at least 200 words of original content not including quotes lifted from source articles.
- Headlines should be relevant to the story and not mislead readers. Clickbait headlines are strictly prohibited. Use of the click bait technique will result in immediate removal from the NWNN.
- Your website must comply with all applicable laws.
- Your website must be migrated from http to a https configuration where all the content is secure.
- Your website must show the relevant “as featured on” buttons for the sites it appears on. The button must be on both the mobile version and desktop version and should appear on every related blog post
- You must have a dedicated RSS feed for stories about the team in question. These should be specific stories to that team and not mislead readers. For example, a story which is obviously about Chelsea FC should not appear on the Manchester United FC site. Non-compliance with this requirement will result in removal from the NWNN.
- Your site(s) should not have any more than three advertising units in view at any time.
- You should not publish more than eight stories per team per day (on average per month). No more than five stories will ever be displayed on the homepage at any one time and users violating the eight story limit will be removed from the NWNN.
- Use of floating/jumping video units is strictly prohibited. Any site found to utilise such practices will be instantly removed from the NWNN without notification.
- If you purchase a site that is already listed on the NWNN, National World does not guarantee that you will continue to have access as the new owner. You should be careful relying on any warranties made by a seller to this effect. It is your responsibility to carry out all necessary due diligence on any new site acquisition. National World reserves the right to review the quality of a site’s content following an acquisition for up to six months before confirming a new subscription deal.
- You are advised to contact National World before buying a listed site to clarify details relating to its listing on the NWNN.
- To the extent permitted by applicable law, you agree that National World Group shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive losses or damages of any kind whatsoever, howsoever arising and whether in tort, breach of contract or otherwise,or loss of data (in each case even if National World Group has been advised of the possibility of such damages), that result from: (a) the use of or inability to use your website or any of its content or third party websites referred to in your website; (b) representations, warranties, undertakings or conduct of any third party related to your website; or (c) any other matter relating to your website.
- Publishers or [Publishing Groups] are only permitted to subscribe up to three sites to the NWNN at any one time. If it becomes apparent that a Publisher or Publishing Group has exceeded this limit they will be given the opportunity to reduce the number of sites being subscribed down to three. If the appropriate reductions are not made within 5 business days of notification of oversubscription, National World will make the necessary reductions on an alphabetical basis without further notification.
- Your site must be optimised for mobile devices.
- Your site must not attempt to or abuse the aggregation feed. Excessive tagging and likewise behaviour will result in instant removal from the NWNN without notification.
- You must not serve users offensive, misleading, intimidating pop-up or interstitial ads on your site. Any site found to utilise such practices will be instantly removed from the National Word News Network without notification.
- You must only publish a story once. Repetition of stories is strictly prohibited.
- Article link titles appearing on the NWNN mobile sites must not be more than 18 words in length and should never be more than four lines high. Article link titles appearing on the NWNN desktop sites must not be more than 18 words in length and should never be more than three lines high.
- If your site goes inactive for 12 months or more your subscription to the NWNN will be automatically cancelled and will not be reactivated.
- The use of ALL CAPITAL letters in post titles is strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated. Any site found to utilise such practices will be instantly removed from the National Word News Network without notification.
- Aggregation articles where other people’s content is summarised and / or provide numerous links to other stories are strictly prohibited. Any site found to utilise such practices will be instantly removed from the National Word News Network without notification.
- You must add a text or button that links back to the NWNN aggregation site from your main news, team and home pages. Failure to do so may lead to your subscriptions to the NWNN being cancelled.
- You must comply with all other applicable terms and conditions on the NWNN website.
- You must not upload or transmit any material on your site which is unlawful, illegal, condones illegal or unlawful behaviour, indecent, defamatory, hateful or racially, ethnically, sexually orientated or otherwise offensive or objectionable, or of an obscene or menacing character, or that may cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
- You must not post content on your website which could be in contempt of court or which could break a court injunction or interdict – this means not posting anything that risks prejudicing on-going or forthcoming court proceedings (such as naming an individual or speculating as to their current whereabouts after a court has issued an injunction or interdict against doing so).
- You must not post content to your website that infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights of any third party.
- You, as the operator of your website, must be over the age of 18. The NWNN is not intended to be accessed by anyone under the age of 18.
- You agree to indemnify the National World Group in respect of all costs, claims, damages, or other charges arising directly or indirectly as a result of your non-compliance with these requirements.
We welcome a range of publishers, from single person bloggers up to international news organisations. Websites that cover more than one team are allowed on the provision that individual RSS feeds dedicated to each team are provided.
Publishers who develop or promote a competing service to the NWNN may be permanently removed, with immediate effect, from the NWNN. This will be decided at the sole discretion of National World Publishing Limited without notice or chance of reinstatement.
We reserve the right to modify these requirements at any time in the future and to remove offending sites with immediate effect. We keep these requirements under regular review and they may be amended from time to time. The date of the last update can be found at the top of this page. It is your responsibility to check this page regularly for any updates and to ensure compliance at all times with the requirements set out here.